Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Well, Its Been a While

It has been a while since my last blog post so I thought it good to update our world.

  1. I just finished a month of General Surgery, a month that reinforced my high opinion of orthopedic surgery and my low interest in dealing with poop (which is a big part of general surgery). I started a new month of Family Medicine which is the greatest schedule of all time. My attending works two full days per week, two half days per week, & takes Wednesdays off. How rough is that!!
  2. Jennifer is now 35 weeks along in the pregnancy and she is wonderfully miserable about right now. Baby Bryan is doing well and we will have another ultrasound in a couple of weeks. The doctors are planning on inducing him on October 27ish if he doesn't come before that. We will be delivering at Troy Beaumont Hospital in Troy, MI.
  3. I am scheduled to take another round of Board Exams on October 13, yet another reason I have not had time to blog. This will be COMLEX Step 3 for me. The tests just keep coming!
  4. The boys spent a little over a week in Elkhorn with my parents a couple weeks back and loved time with their Grandy & Nonna. Jenn's parents flew up here last week for a few days and Jenn's mom (Granna) got to stay for about a week or so and really enjoyed time with the boys.
  5. Garrett is now starting to learn to write and go through some preschool books that Jenn bought. It is amazing how much he is soaking up right now! The other day he told me he needed to be changed because he was funky! :)
  6. Luke is 18 months and becoming more adorable by the day! He is becoming more and more opinionated and vocal about such. He is still much more laid back than Garrett was.
  7. We are loving our church - Rochester Church of Christ - and officially placed membership last Sunday. Jenn has gotten involved with several of the ladies there at church and I have gotten to teach a few Sundays in the adult classes. We really love being there!
  8. I spent a few days at ACU Lectureships/Summit this year and surprised my dad who received the Towel Award for long-time service as a minister. My brother David came down from Denver and we all got to hang out for a few days with each other and with friends and family in Abilene!
That should be enough to catch you up with some of the events in our lives! Hope your lives are blessed as well...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Week Without Kids

Check out my wife's posting on her blog about our week without the boys! I can't say it any better! I pasted it below or you can check out her blog at...

A few weeks ago my in-laws offered to take the boys for a few days so that I could catch up on some rest and prepare for baby Bryan's arrival - i.e. organize and unpack our remaining boxes. Little did I know that they would take them for 9 days. Granted I have been apart from Garrett for a week and Luke for a few days at a time, but 9 days! I knew that I needed the rest and that they would love the grandparent time on the farm, but these have been the longest 7 days I have had in a long time! I have missed them terribly and talk about way too quiet around the house. I'm in no way complaining, for the rest and break from dirty diapers and potty training has been wonderful! :) But it has also given me a fresh perspective on the blessing of our children and how much they shape, teach, and love me. It is easy to forget during long days without adult interaction and the constant cleaning up after two little guys under the age of three just what an incredible gift they are. We have an amazing role in shaping and forming these little people given to our care yet at the same time I never realized how much they shape and form us too. As parents we ask different questions and are forced to face our tendencies toward selfishness through the training of behaviors and attitudes forming in our kiddos' lives. They force me to consider on a regular basis what it means to speak and act like Jesus. They help us grow and change as we encounter our weaknesses mirrored in their attitudes and actions. I have a new heightened awareness of how incredibly precious the teachable moments are throughout our days together. I have a renewed desire to watch more carefully for those moments instead of slipping into the survival mode of just trying to make it through the day. This week has also made me realize again the brevity of life and time. During the process of organizing our home dvds I couldn't believe how quickly they have grown and changed. Time seems to speed up the older I get. People always say that these years will fly by and be gone before you know it, but it is hard to remember sometimes on those long survival days. I think about those who have lost a child to sickness or tragedy and how they can't ever forget the preciousness of each day. I prayed this week would be a time of refreshment and renewal as well as transformation (which often hurts) and I believe ABBA has answered that in reminding me of the gifts around me that I too often take for granted. Lord, remind me daily of the unbelievable gifts you have given me in my children and show me how I can embrace the time I am given with them as moments to learn and share your love. I use the phrase often, "all life is ministry" - I truly want to live that out in my mothering. I pray that somehow these little guys will encounter the amazing transforming love of Jesus in our lives as we constantly wrestle with what it means to live according to the Kingdom if God and not according to the world and culture around us. In one of my phone conversations with Garrett during the week, my 3 year tells me that Luke, his 18 month brother is not listening and that he needs to teach him to listen! :) Oh dear! Lord, teach me to listen....I don't want to miss out on the teachable moments You bring throughout the day! Thank you that you are a patient Father!