Monday, October 05, 2009

Great Communion

Yesterday I attended the correcting of a 103 year old separation between branches of the Stone-Campbell Movement - Churches of Christ, Christian Churches, & Disciples of Christ. This year marks the 200 year anniversary of the Declaration & Address - a document written by Thomas Campbell that laid the groundwork for our movement. All across the nation, churches from these streams of the Stone-Campbell Movement united for a communion service together. We met at Rochester Church of Christ with several other churches from our area for a little over an hour of worship time, singing, scripture reading, prayer, and communion! It was a great experience to have lived to have experienced the restoration of such long-standing divisions. I couldn't help but look at my sons thinking how they had no idea how significant this moment was in our history and how I hoped they would not have to live in the midst of the divisions that have marked our past. Praise God for what happened yesterday at the Great Communion!! For more information, please see

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