Friday, October 30, 2009


  1. We brought Bryan home with us from the hospital on Thursday. He is doing well and we are (re)adjusting well to life with a newborn. Garrett & Luke are in Elkhorn with my parents for a week or so & enjoying time on the farm. Bryan didn't sleep all that well (as in not much at all) last night but he is adjusting okay. I have already changed several poopy diapers (go me) and he is a pooping machine!
  2. I am on vacation until Tuesday. I was blessed with 9-10 days off from work for the birth and adjustment at home with the newbie! Soaking up as much time as possible while I have it.
  3. On Tuesday I start probably the toughest three month stretch of the year. I start out with Orthopedic Surgery during November and I have mixed emotions. On the one hand, I am in Detroit, MI to do orthopedic surgery and this is the area of medicine I am most passionate about. However, ortho service is one of the most time-consuming services and will require me to be away from the family for a great deal of time. After a month of orthopedics, I spend December downtown in the surgical intensive care unit (SICU) and then January downtown doing orthopedic trauma surgery -- all very hard and time-consuming months.
  4. We are really enjoying our church - Rochester Church of Christ - and have really enjoyed exploring small groups and meeting the people there.

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